Cops to continue investigation by reviewing evidence, talk with witnesses
[THE INVESTOR] Cho Hyun-min, former Korean Air executive and daughter of the group’s chairman was questioned on May 1 for charges including business obstruction and assault. Below is a reconstruction of her answers based on a police report.

-On throwing a glass cup Cho: I asked why the ad agency conducted shoots at just a couple of areas in England, and got angry when nobody answered because I felt they were ignoring my question. I then threw the glass cup at about 45 degrees to the right of me, toward the wall where no one was there.
-On flinging the contents of a paper cup Cho: I didn’t throw the cup at anyone. What I did do was throw the cup while I was seated, toward the door. The contents spilled during this process and some splashed on the face of those close by.
-On obstructing business by stopping meetings Cho: I was in charge of my department, and so it was part of my job.
-About attempting to destroy evidence Cho: I did discuss the matter with related persons at Korean Air about this issue, but I never asked or told them to delete or write postings in this regard.