South Korean drugmaker Daewoong Pharmaceutical said Dec. 19 it has won approval from authorities in the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia for the sale of its botulinum toxin product.
The Ministry of Health in the UAE and Indonesia’s Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan accepted Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s application to sell Nabota.

The product is Korea‘s first botulinum toxin product to receive the green light for the treatment of frown lines.
With the approval, Nabota can be sold in the two countries during the first half of next year, the company said.
Daewoong said its UAE partner, Dansys Group, will be in charge of the sales of Nabota in the Middle Eastern country.
A marketing partner for Indonesia has not yet been decided, the company officials said.
“The approval will help Daewoong make further inroads into the Middle Eastern botulinum toxin market, since the UAE serves as a hub,” said Park Seong-soo, a company official.
Indonesia is one of the world’s fastest-growing beauty markets as the country boasts the fourth-largest population, according to the company official.
The product has already won approvals from authorities in the United States and the European Union.