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The Korea Herald

July 27, 2024


LG Uplus launches unlimited 5G data plan

  • PUBLISHED :April 04, 2019 - 10:28
  • UPDATED :April 04, 2019 - 10:28
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LG Uplus said on April 4 that it will launch two types of unlimited data plans for 5G smartphones, joining the cutthroat price competition to attract early adopters for the new service.

South Korea’s No. 3 mobile carrier, which was the first to unveil its 5G mobile package on last week, offered the unlimited data plans priced at 85,000 won ($75) and 95,000 won for those who register by the end of June. 

The smallest carrier’s announcement followed various promotions by its bigger rivals SK Telecom and KT, fueling the 5G race.

On April 2, KT, the second-largest mobile carrier, unveiled the data plans priced at over 80,000 won, with free international roaming service in Korea and 185 nations.

A day later, market leader SK Telecom introduced unlimited packages for those who subscribe to its 5G package until June, saying it will decide on its strategy based on market reaction in the first three months.

“As it is only the beginning of the 5G market, we will monitor customers’ data usage and analyze mobile traffic on the unlimited data plan to decide whether to extend the promotion after June,” LG Uplus said in a release.

 By Ram Garikipati and newswires (ram@heraldcorp.com)