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The Korea Herald

September 17, 2024


[Advertorial] LG Chem vows to create sustainable social value in outreach efforts

  • PUBLISHED :March 18, 2020 - 16:33
  • UPDATED :March 18, 2020 - 16:40
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Leading chemicals company LG Chem said it is joining the UN Sustainable Development Goals to enhance the value of society and environment with its eco-friendly, energy and youth education corporate social responsibility programs.

Education for young generation

One of the company’s efforts includes educational programs for younger generations. LG Chem offers the Chemical Playground and Chemical Camp for elementary and junior high school students with a goal to foster dreams of the young.

LG Chem has been focusing on teenagers for its social contribution activities. In particular, under the direction of promoting the social contribution of “Love to Dreaming Young Dreams” the company provides educational support for elementary and middle school students in the vicinity of programs such as Chemical Playground and Chemistry Camp. The company has carried out about 60 Chemistry Camps, the company’s signature CSR activity, since 2005 for more than 7,200 participants.

Another program, “The World I Make, Interesting Chemical Playground” is conducted to raise interest in the environment and foster future scientific talents through interesting chemical experiments linked to elementary school curriculum.

The program offers an opportunity for students to participate in various scientific experiments and learn about the chemical principles in life at a four-themed experience center.

In January this year, 200 middle school students were invited to participate in the event twice in total, and they operated an “education mentoring group” consisting of university students to help students understand various experience programs.

LG Chem was named the Education Ministry-designated “Best Organization for Education Donation” in November 2018 in recognition of its contribution to continuous scientific education donation activities and fostering future scientific talent.

Participants of Chemistry Camp pose for photos on January 15 2020. (LG Chem)

Expanding social contribution activities to preserve biodiversity

In the recent years, LG Chem has added activities to protect environment. In October last year, the company’s executives, including Vice Chairman Shin Hak-cheol, worked together to remove ecological disturbance plants to preserve biodiversity on Yeouido’s Bam Island.

Since 2017, LG Chem has been actively pursuing social contribution activities to preserve biodiversity.

Under the official name of “The Right Future, Green World drawn by LG Chem,” LG Chem launched employee volunteer group Green Maker, and has been conducting activities to remove the Bam Island ecological disturbance plants four times a year. About 500 executives and employees have participated in the program so far.

In addition, LG Chem, along with the Han River Project Center of Seoul Municipal Government, created the Bamseom Ecosystem Experience Hall at the Haenumi Observatory on Mapo Bridge in December 2018 and is operating as an educational and hands-on space that conveys the importance of preserving biodiversity.

To inform many citizens of the importance of protecting the Han River ecosystem, including Bam Island, the company has run various programs such as “Sketch of Imagination of Bamseom” and “Photography Exhibition of Han River where the environment and people coexist.”

LG Social Campus discovers eco-friendly social ventures

LG Chem is running the LG Social Campus with LG Electronics to foster social enterprises in eco-friendly fields with high public interest and sustainability.

LG Chem and LG Electronics are providing financial support, interest-free loans and office space to help social enterprises in various eco-friendly sectors strengthen their growth bases, and will provide a total of 16 billion won ($13 million) by 2021.

In particular, LG Chem runs a program called “Local Value Up” for community innovators in their 20s and 30s. This program support developing and commercializing solutions that can improve communities based on special lectures and coaching by various local experts.

In addition, LG Chem has been working with the Seoul Metropolitan Government on a “green partnership” project to improve youth education and welfare through solar energy and green remodeling projects since 2015.

In its green partnership program with the Seoul Municipal Government, the company installs a solar power-based “Hopeful Green Power Plant” in public land provided by local governments and uses the fund generated by the plant for youth scholarships and energy welfare expenses.

“We will pursue differentiated programs in youth education and eco-friendly and energy sectors,” said Park Joon-sung, executive vice president of external cooperation at LG Chem. “LG Chem will strive to fulfill its duty as a corporate citizen and grow with society through sincere social contribution activities.” 
