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The Korea Herald

July 27, 2024


Hyundai to supply 200 trucks to Pakistan

  • PUBLISHED :November 10, 2017 - 09:54
  • UPDATED :November 10, 2017 - 09:54
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[THE INVESTOR] Hyundai Motor said on Nov. 10 it has signed a deal to supply 200 large trucks to a Pakistani dealership.

The carmaker plans to deliver the Xcient trucks to the dealership within next year, Hyundai said in a statement.

It didn’t provide the value of the deal. A large truck such as the Xcient carries a price tag of more than 100 million won (US$89,000).

In Pakistan, demand for commercial vehicles such as tractors, dump trucks and cargo trucks is on the rise as the Asian country increases investments in social overhead capital projects.

By Alex Lee and newswires (alexlee@heraldcorp.com)